Tutorial IC Design

Table of Contents

1 Goals

This tutorial is the extension of the Basic DFT tutorial. The goals of this tutorial are as follows:

  • Modify the design in order to deal with gated clocks and non-scan storage elements
  • Integrate the scan architechture into the design
  • Automatic Test Pattern Generation (ATPG)

In this tutorial, we use the waveform generator design.

2 Design the unit (RTL)

Before we start with DFT synthesis, the design must be modify by adding some scan input and output pins. In addition to that, we have to deal with different design styles such as gated clocks. The waveform generator design is illustrated bellow:


In the terminal, go to the directory dft_int/rtl and open a text editor to open waveform genarator top design waveform_gen.vhd.

In the terminal execute:

cd dft_int/rtl

and then,

emacs waveform_gen.vhd &

To integrate the scan chain into the design, first, add the interfaces which is needed for design. We define SERIAL_IN, TESTMODE and SCAN_EN as input ports of form std_logic and SERIAL_OUT as output port of the std_logic. In addition to that, due to the unknown state of memory it should be bypassed. Therefore, the top vhdl code should be extended to bypass the memory. Finally, you should have such a vhdl code of your top design waveform_gen which is modified for scan integration:

library IEEE;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.parameter.all;

entity waveform_gen is
    clk,rst,start,mode,data_in : in std_logic;
    sync_rst_ram_addr : in std_logic;
    period_multiplier:in std_logic_vector(counter_sleep_width-1 downto 0);
    data_out: out std_logic_vector(bit_width_data-1 downto 0);
    sleep_reg: out std_logic_vector(counter_sleep_width-1 downto 0);
    SERIAL_IN, SCAN_EN, TESTMODE: in std_logic;                           --     Modified for TST
    SERIAL_OUT: out std_logic    
  end entity;

architecture behaviour of waveform_gen is
  signal gated_clk,sleep_inv: std_logic;
  signal gated_clk2,sleep2_inv: std_logic;
  signal re_ram,we_ram,oe_ram,enable_reg_file,sleep,sleep2,enable_shift_reg: std_logic;
  signal addr_ram: std_logic_vector(size_ram_addr-1 downto 0);
  signal data_shift_reg,ram_out,ram_out_dft:std_logic_vector(bit_width_data-1 downto 0);
  signal RAMBO, RAMBO_out : std_logic_vector(bit_width_data-1 downto 0);  --     Modified for TST
  signal intEnRAM : std_logic;


  sleep_inv <= not sleep;
  sleep2_inv <= not sleep2;

  port map(
      CK => clk,
      E => sleep_inv,
      GCK => gated_clk

  port map(
      CK => clk,
      E => sleep2_inv,
      GCK => gated_clk2

  port map(
      clk=> gated_clk,
      enable_shift_reg => enable_shift_reg

  port map(
      re_ram => re_ram,
      we_ram => we_ram,
      addr_ram => addr_ram,
      sync_rst_ram_counter=> sync_rst_ram_addr,
      sleep2=> sleep2,
      enable_reg_file => enable_reg_file,
      sleep_reg => sleep_reg

  port map(

  port map(
    OEB=>intEnRAM,                      --     Modified for TST
    I=> data_shift_reg,
    O=> ram_out

  port map(
    rst => rst,
    ena => enable_reg_file,
    data_in => RAMBO_out,               --      Modified for TST      
    data_out => data_out

  -- Added for TST

xor_reg:process(clk,rst) is
    if rst='0' then
      RAMBO <= (others => '0');
    elsif clk='1' and clk'event then
      RAMBO <= ((addr_ram & we_ram & re_ram) xor data_shift_reg);
    end if;
  end process xor_reg;

mux2:process(RAMBO ,ram_out, TESTMODE) is
    if TESTMODE='1' then
      RAMBO_out <= RAMBO;
      RAMBO_out <= ram_out;
    end if;
  end process mux2;

mux1:process(oe_ram, TESTMODE) is
    if TESTMODE='1' then
      intEnRAM <= '0';
      intEnRAM <= oe_ram;
    end if;
  end process mux1;

end architecture;

3 Lunch design compiler

For this lab you are going to use the Design Compiler tool as well Tetramax from Synopsys In the terminal, go to the directory dft_int/do_synth. for using the Design Compiler create a sourceme.sh file to do the setup.

export LM_LICENSE_FILE=28231@item0096
source /eda/synopsys/2015-16/scripts/SYN_2015.06-SP4_RHELx86.sh

Now you can source that file.

source sourceme.sh

Before you open the synthesis tool, it is practical to select the library of standard cells that you use and to instruct the tool to save the log files into the directories that you have previously defined. You can do that creating a .synopsys_dc.setup file. Run emacs .synopsys_dc.setup.

First, you can add the following commands to your .synopsys_dc.setup file; they instruct the tool to use your directories.

define_design_lib work -path ./tool/work

set_app_var  view_log_file        ./log/synth_view.log
set_app_var  sh_command_log_file  ./log/synth_sh.log
set_app_var  filename_log_file    ./log/synth_file.log

set_app_var search_path       [concat ./cmd/  [get_app_var search_path] ]

And afterwards you can write the command to define the library to use.

set library_path "../../../0_FreePDK45/LIB/"
set library_name "NangateOpenCellLibrary_typical_ccs_scan.db"
set library_name2 "SRAM64x8_1rw.db"

set_app_var target_library    $library_name
set_app_var link_library      [concat $library_name $library_name2 dw_foundation.sldb "*"]
set_app_var search_path       [concat $library_path [get_app_var search_path] ]
set_app_var synthetic_library [list dw_foundation.sldb]
set_app_var symbol_library    [list class.sdb]

set_app_var vhdlout_use_packages { ieee.std_logic_1164.all  NangateOpenCellLibrary.Components.all }
set_app_var vhdlout_write_components FALSE

Save your file. Now you can start the tool. Launch design_vision in the terminal. To save the log in a directory, you can add a linux pipe tee log/synthesis.log that redirects the log output to a file called log/synthesis.log.

design_vision | tee log/synthesis.log &


4 DFT configuration and synthesis

4.1 Design import

For the more complex designs, we usually write tcl commands in a separate file and source the files to set different options in the tool. Source config_synthesis tcl file to define all names and variable as well as list of vhdl files. Then, use you can read the RTL codes using read_design.tcl.

source ./cmd/config_synth.tcl
source ./cmd/read_design.tcl

You can now set simple synthesis constraints using global_constraints.tcl file.

source ./cmd/global_constraints.tcl

The tool reads and "understands" the code. In the log file you can see the elements that it has inferred.

Have a look at the tcl files and make sure that you undestand all commands.

4.2 First DFT Synthesis

Now, we are going to configure the DFT. There are many options which should be set to configure the DFT. Among all options, we set the clock, test period, type of scan cells, the reset, scan input and output, scan enable and test mode. There are three widly used scan cells, Muxed-D Scan Cell, Clocked Scan Cell and LSSD Scan Cell. we use Muxed-D scan cells.

set_scan_configuration -style multiplexed_flip_flop
set test_default_period 100
set_dft_signal -view existing_dft -type ScanClock -timing {45 55} -port clk
set_dft_signal -view existing_dft -type Reset -active_state 0 -port rst
set_dft_signal -view spec -type ScanDataIn -port SERIAL_IN
set_dft_signal -view spec -type ScanDataOut -port SERIAL_OUT
set_dft_signal -view spec -type ScanEnable -port SCAN_EN -active_state 1
set_dft_signal -view existing_dft -type Constant -port TESTMODE -active_state 1

You can copy the commands into a file to automatize your synthesis process. Create a file using emacs cmd/dft_config.tcl and copy the commands in it. Now you can begin the DFT synthesis. Execute the following commands:

compile -scan

Using this command, we do the compilation using scan option. Tool is replacing all the sequential elements by scan equivalent.

You can search the design for DFT violations using the following command:


After that you can specify the scan chain. You can select the number and length of the scan chains. We define only one scan chain for this design. In addition, we define that no different clock edges may occur in the scan chain. The input and output of the scan chain is also specified.

set_scan_configuration -chain_count 1
set_scan_configuration -clock_mixing no_mix
set_scan_path chain1 -scan_data_in SERIAL_IN -scan_data_out SERIAL_OUT

Then, the scan chain can be inserted into the design. In addition, the command set_scan_state_scan_existing indicates that the scan chain is fully implemented or not.

set_scan_state scan_existing

Check the schematic of your design. The scan chain inserted in the design. Finally, the command dft_drc -coverage extimate is used to estimate the error coverage. Moreover, we can report the scan chain and the instances in each chain using the report_scan_path as follows:

dft_drc -coverage_estimate
report_scan_path -view existing_dft -chain all > reports/chain1.rep
report_scan_path -view existing_dft -cell all > reports/cell1.rep

Why the scan converage is too low?

  Running test coverage estimation...
 2368 faults were added to fault list.
 0              11      0        0/73/0    20.11%      0.01
            Pattern Summary Report
 #internal patterns                           0

     Uncollapsed Stuck Fault Summary Report
 fault class                     code   #faults
 ------------------------------  ----  ---------
 Detected                         DT        429
 Possibly detected                PT         17
 Undetectable                     UD        192
 ATPG untestable                  AU       1730
 Not detected                     ND          0
 total faults                              2368
 test coverage                            20.11%
  Information: The test coverage above may be inferior
               than the real test coverage with customized
               protocol and test simulation library.

4.3 Second DFT Synthesis

As you may have already noticed, your design contains gated clocks. To increase the testability of the design, the Further modificaiton of the design is necessary. In this step, replace the gated clock architecture with its test equivallent architecture as follows:

clk_gate1:CLKGATETST_X1               -- TEST CLOCK GATE
port map(
    CK => clk,
    E => sleep_inv,
    GCK => gated_clk,

clk_gate2:CLKGATETST_X1               -- TEST CLOCK GATE
port map(
    CK => clk,
    E => sleep2_inv,
    GCK => gated_clk2,

This standard cell uses an extra OR gate. This gate is used to force CEN to 1 using either the TM or SE signals.


Redo all configurations once more again for the modified rtl. Use the dft_config.tcl file that you have created before, and configure the DFT.

source ./cmd/dft_config.tcl

Now you can begin the DFT synthesis. Execute the following commands:

compile -scan

When the result of the drc is satisfactory, then you can specify the scan chain and insert the dft as follows:

set_scan_configuration -chain_count 1
set_scan_configuration -clock_mixing no_mix
set_scan_path chain1 -scan_data_in SERIAL_IN -scan_data_out SERIAL_OUT
set_scan_state scan_existing

Finally, the command dft_drc -coverage extimate is used to estimate the error coverage.

dft_drc -coverage_estimate
report_scan_path -view existing_dft -chain all > reports/chain.rep
report_scan_path -view existing_dft -cell all > reports/cell.rep

Is the test converage increased?

After top-level scan insertion, we need different files for test pattern generation with TetraMax from synopsys. Write out the test protocol file in Standard Test Interface Language (STIL) format (the only supported format) and write out a Verilog or VHDL top-level netlist for the top-level design. For example, use the following tcl commands to save the necessary files as follows:

change_names -hierarchy -rule verilog
write -format verilog -hierarchy -out results/waveform_gen.vg
write -format ddc -hierarchy -output results/waveform_gen.ddc
write_scan_def -output results/waveform_gen.def
set test_stil_netlist_format verilog
write_test_protocol -output results/waveform_gen.spf

Using the above commands, we write a gate level netlist .vg. set test_stil_netlist_format verilog command identifies the netlist format that you are exporting to TetraMAX ATPG. We also write out the test protocol file using the write_test_protocol command. Now, use remove_design command the remove the design.


5.1 Lunch TetraMAX

In this part, we want to use the TetraMax from synopsys to create the test patterns. Redirect to the tetramex folder cd dft/tetramx and start the software by wrting the tmax command.


5.2 Read the netlist and library files

In this step, we read the gate level netlist of the design as well as the library definition of each cell in verilog format. Browse the netlists and add the verilog netlist of the design from the dft/do_synth/results directory. Moreover, add the nangate library in verilog format in 0_FreePDK45/Verilog/NangateOpenCellLibrary.v directory.


5.3 Build the design

The Run Build Model dialog box sets the relevant parameters and builds the in-memory simulation model from the design modules that have been read in. TetraMAX ATPG performs a learning process, which you can control with this dialog. If a simulation model already exists, it is automatically deleted before the new model is built. Select the Build from the menu bar and select your top design. We use default options of Set learning box.


After selecting the top module, select Set Build Options and add SRAM as black box.


5.4 DRC check

Now, we perform design rule checking (DRC). First, specifie the name of the STIL procedures file that defines the scan chains and test procedures, then click on Run.


5.5 Generate the test pattern

After you have imported the design and completed the DRC check without error, you can use TetraMax to create the test patterns. First, the errors should be annotated. In our case, we would like to check all stuck-at errors. Use the following two commands to annotate the errors and generate the test patterns:

add_faults -all
run_atpg -auto
ATPG performed for stuck fault model using internal pattern source. 
 #patterns     #faults     #ATPG faults  test      process 
 stored     detect/active  red/au/abort  coverage  CPU time 
 ---------  -------------  ------------  --------  -------- 
 Begin deterministic ATPG: #uncollapsed_faults=1420, abort_limit=10... 
 32           1401     14         2/3/0    92.23%      0.03 
 37              6      0         3/9/0    92.58%      0.03 

     Uncollapsed Stuck Fault Summary Report 
 fault class                     code   #faults 
 ------------------------------  ----  --------- 
 Detected                         DT       1837 
 Possibly detected                PT          7 
 Undetectable                     UD         50 
 ATPG untestable                  AU        144 
 Not detected                     ND          0 
 total faults                              2038 
 test coverage                            92.58% 
            Pattern Summary Report 
 #internal patterns                          37 
     #basic_scan patterns                    37 
            CPU Usage Summary Report 
 Total CPU time                            0.03 

Finally, we write the generated pattern in binary format using the following tcl command:

write_patterns waveform_gen_pattern.v -internal -format binary

Date: <2019-05-13 Mon>

Author: Prof. Alberto Garcia-Ortiz and Amir Najafi

Created: 2019-06-24 Mon 15:57

