Robert Schmidt

Scientific Assistant/Ph.D. Candidate

Chair for Integrated Digital Systems, ITEM
University of Bremen (NW1)
Otto-Hahn Allee 1
28359 Bremen Germany

Tel. +49 (0) 421 218 62524
Fax. +49 (0) 421 218 98 62524
Office: NW1 W3150
rschmidt (at)

Research Topics

Computer systems integrated with the environment, or cyber-physical systems, are increasingly relied upon in monitoring civil infrastructure, electronic health care, or process- and environmental control. Due to their inherent integration with the physical world, safety and security are paramount, because failures might endanger human lives. Moreover, most cyber-physical systems are power constraint and mandate low-power design. Power is mostly neglected in traditional overdesign for dependability, resulting in insufficient dependability-to-energy trade-offs that hinder the widespread adoption of cyber-physical systems. Instead, design for graceful degradation improves the dependability-to-energy ratio of cyber-physical systems, within controlled performance levels, by replacing traditional overdesign for dependability with trade-off capabilities leveraging application margins, to enable the widespread adoption of cyber-physical systems for the benefit of society.

To serve society my research activities are directed towards the advancement of dependability enhancement techniques and tools, currently spanning the topics of low-power single event effect mitigation as well as error detection and failure prediction for graceful degradation:

  • Low-power single event effect mitigation
    Mitigation of single event effects like single event transients (SETs), single event upsets (SEUs), and multiple-bit upsets (MBUs) in an energy-efficient manner.
  • Error detection and failure prediction for graceful degradation
    Error detection and failure prediction for multiprocessor health management and graceful degradation.

Lectures and Teaching


  • Fundamentals of Digital Design
    (German; Original title: "Grundlagen der Digitaltechnik")
  • Basic Laboratory - Digital Design
    (German; Original title: "Grundlagenlabor Digitaltechnik")


  • Design Methodologies

Project, Bachelor and Master Thesis

  • Please contact me personally if you are interested in writing a thesis that is concerned with the topics of my current research activities.

Office Hours

  • My office hours are Fridays 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. If you can not attend these times, please contact me and we will make an appointment

Latest Publications

Google Scholar

  1. Robert Schmidt, Rehab Massoud, Jaan Raik, Alberto Garcia-Ortiz and Rolf Drechsler. "Reliability Improvements for Multiprocessor Systems by Health-Aware Task Scheduling" IEEE International Symposium on On-Line Testing and Robust System Design, 2018, (Accepted for publication) PDF
  2. Lennart Bamberg, Jan Moritz Joseph, Robert Schmidt, Thilo Pionteck and Alberto Garcia-Ortiz. "Coding-aware Link Energy Estimation for 2D and 3D Networks-on-Chip with Virtual Channels
    28th International Symposium on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (Accepted for publication)
  3. Lennart Bamberg, Robert Schmidt and Alberto Garcia-Ortiz. "Low-Power Coding Approach for 3D Interconnects
    55th Design Automation Conference (Accepted for publication)
  4. Robert Schmidt, Alberto Garcia-Ortiz and Goerschwin Fey. "Temporal Redundancy Latch-based Architecture for Soft Error Mitigation" IEEE International Symposium on On-Line Testing and Robust System Design, 2017, 10.1109/IOLTS.2017.8046245, PDF
  5. Jan-Gerd Mess, Robert Schmidt, Goerschwin Fey. "Adaptive Compression Schemes for Housekeeping Data" IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2017, 10.1109/AERO.2017.7943580
  6. Jan-Gerd Mess, Robert Schmidt, Goerschwin Fey and Frank Dannemann. "On the Compression of Spacecraft Housekeeping Data using Discrete Cosine Transforms" Proceedings of the ESA International Workshop on Tracking, Telemetry and Command Systems for Space Applications, 2016,
  7. Serhiy Avramenko, Matteo Sonza Reorda, Massimo Violante, Goerschwin Fey, Jan-Gerd Mess and Robert Schmidt. "On the Robustness of DCT-based Compression Algorithms for Space Applications" IEEE International Symposium on On-Line Testing and Robust System Design, 2016, 10.1109/IOLTS.2016.7604656
  8. Daniel Gregorek, Robert Schmidt and Alberto Garcia-Ortiz. "Transaction Level Analysis for a Clustered and Hardware-Enhanced Task Manager on Homogeneous Many-Core Systems"  Proceedings of the Workshop on High Performance Energy Efficient Embedded Systems (HIP3ES), 2015, arXiv:1502.02852 [cs.DC]